I took 2 years of Spanish in high school, but forgot 95% of it.
BUT, since I’ve discovered memory techniques, I’ve learned phrases in 9 different languages during my world travels.
Heres how I LEARN and RETAIN Foreign Languages:
Step 1:
Create a mental IMAGE that sounds like the word or phrase you want to learn.
Spanish (English) examples:
- Piscina (swimming pool) = “piss in a”
- Aquí (here) = a key
- Cuál (which) = koala bear
Step 2:
Create a mental IMAGE for the word/phrase in your native tongue.
- Swimming pool (piscina) = a swimming pool
- Here (aquí) = “where you’re standing”
- Which (cuál) = a witch
Step 3:
LINK Create a STORY by linking the two images together.
Imagine it as you pronounce the word.
- Piscina = pissing in a pool

- Aquí = a key is “right here”
- Cuál = koala bear witch
Trust the weird imagery your mind creates. It doesn’t have to “make sense” for your mind to remember it.
Review by “seeing” the story you created (do this a few times) and the connection will stick. Then, move on to the next word/phrase. You will retain these words/phrases for a long time.
My wife and I are “planning” on going to Peru in December, so we’re trying to learn “conversational” Spanish.
This is how we’re attempting it.
Disclaimer: My wife and I have already taken beginner Spanish classes, so we have a foundation. If you are brand spankin’ new to Spanish, you should take a beginner course first before trying something like this.
First, I found the 1,000 most common Spanish words (which make up 80%+ of the usable language).
We’ll be learning 20 words a day with Anki flashcards.
It’ll take 2 months to learn all 1,000.
Second, using Tim Ferriss’ advice, I’ll be learning sentence structure (subject-verb) from these 13 basic sentences.

Understanding 13 sentence structures, I’ll be able to substitute any words/verbs to communicate everything I need.
Third, my wife is learning too, so we made a fun rule:
- From 6-7pm every night, we are only allowed to speak to each other in Spanish. It’ll definitely be awkward at first.
Do you know a 2nd language?
Let me know what helped you learn it faster.
Read how I learned Vietnamese here: https://memoryjohn.com/how-im-learning-vietnamese-with-memory-techniques-part-1-of-2/
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