We all struggle with remembering people’s names…so today’s Q&A should help everyone.
It’s astounding to me that you memorized 229 names and faces in 15 minutes at the 2019 USA Memory Championship.
I’m curious if you can share a few examples of how you would remember different names, let’s say Matthew, Scott, and Isabel.
The key for remembering names is to use the first thing that pops into your mind, when you hear/read their name. Then associate whatever pops into your mind to something you notice about the person (feature, body language, emotion/vibe).
Here’s what I would do for each of those names:
This is my brother’s name, so I think of him. When I meet someone named Matthew, I imagine that they are my brother.
Very quick and effective.
Scott makes me instantly think of Scott brand paper towels.
Let’s say Scott has glasses…I would imagine wrapping Scott towels around his face and glasses.
Isabel makes me think of a “bell”. She “is a bell”.
Let’s say Isabel is fit, thin and athletic…I would imagine her thin figure is expanding out and now she’s shaped like a bell. She even shakes from side to side and makes a bell sound.
The hardest part in learning this technique is trusting the first thing that pops into your mind. Don’t question it or think that it won’t work. Don’t search for a better option right away.
Use what comes to you and attach it to the first thing you think of when you see/meet the person.
Practice it this weekend.
Practice it on characters in the shows/videos you watch 🙂
Practice it in person.
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