Do a thought experiment with me, real quick.
Imagine right now that it’s December 31, 2019.
The last day of this year.
“Look back” through 2019 and imagine
1) the most impressive thing you accomplished this year and
2) the most amazing experience you had this year.
You can see these things happening, right?
That’s what I want to talk about….seeing your path in 2019.
2018 was one of the best years of my life.
-2018 USA Memory Champion
-On national TV shows in Indonesia & Russia (twice)
-Got married
-Finished 5th at the IAM World Memory Championship
All of this came because I had vision of what I wanted.
I wanted sooo bad to be the USA Memory Champion.
From January 2018 to July 2018, I could see this goal vividly with strong emotion. I saw myself winning over and over in my mind. I felt the trophy in my hand. My heart would race as I imagined all this.
The reason 2018 was so good to me was because I could see it.
If you can see something, you instinctively know how to get to it…and you feel more driven.
Vision doesn’t make it easy.
But it’s easier.
If YOU can see your path in 2019 (your big accomplishment, your big experience) you’re well on your way.
If you want a better body, IMAGINE it.
If you want to make more money, IMAGINE how it will happen.
I don’t want to sound like “The Secret” or anything. You won’t get a better body or more money by only imagining it.
BUT, your vision will lay down a path of action and give you a boost of motivation every time you imagine where you’re headed.
See the result you want at the end of 2019.
Imagine it, feel it, believe it.
Then start doing what needs to be done.
One day at a time.
I saw this on twitter this morning and couldn’t agree more:

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