Going from nerd/introverted to confident will not happen overnight. This will take months…but more likely years.
Here’s what helped me:
Posture and EYE CONTACT
Most of my life I walked with my head down…looking at the ground. THAT IS WEAK.
First of all, look at the horizon when you walk. Keep your shoulders and head upright, as if a string was attached to the top of your head and pulling you up straight.
I also used to stare off into space and avoid looking at people when I talked to them. THAT IS WEAK.
This took me years (and I’m still working on it), but you need to look people in the eyes when you talk to them. Look into their soul.
This is extremely hard if you’re a shy person.
So much emotion and energy pulses through me when I look someone in the eye. I can feel their vibe, mood, and emotion within seconds. They can feel it too.
It’s sooo powerful.
Lift Weights
I tried shortcuts to this for years. Tried doing P90X or pushups at home, but I never sustained it.
I got a gym membership this year and it’s the best purchase I’ve EVER made.
DO NOT tell me you don’t have time. I told myself that for years (I was lying to myself to justify being lazy).
Everyone needs a gym membership. Usually about $20 a month. Hire a trainer for 1 month to learn proper form (so you don’t hurt yourself) and to learn a routine. Then go it alone or with a friend.
Go once or twice a week and build up to 3-4x a week.
Lift weights to strengthen your body (don’t just run on a treadmill). Otherwise gravity will beat down on you and your weak body for the rest of your life and you’ll end up with a host of health problems when you get old (arthritis, back pain, poor posture, you name it…).
TRY to disagree
I used to agree with everything people said. I wanted to fit in and wanted people to like me. Actually, I was afraid to have people NOT like me.
Think about the people you respect the most.
You respect them because they’re honest. Because they have opinions and don’t back down from them.
Next time you’re in a conversation, purposefully disagree with someone about any topic…food, Netflix shows, clothing choices. They might test you on it, but ultimately will appreciate you more.
Lastly, DO NOT APOLOGIZE for disagreeing. Stand your ground and people will respect you even more.
See you on the way up!
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